Thursday, April 24, 2008

Bye Bye!

Paige is waving goodbye! Although she is a little stubborn sometimes and doesn't want to. She is also rolling all over the house. We are going to have to get a gate soon. Today she rolled from the living room to the kitchen where some cheerios were on the floor. She was pretty happy with herself eating her snack. She will be crawling before we know it, and I will be scrambling to baby proof the house...YIKES!

Paige pinching brothers cheeks at the Pinewood Derby.
I know, I have heard all the huge flower jokes already.
I really don't like that binky, it's ugly, but it's her favorite!
I love how much they love eachother!

1 comment:

Angie said...

Oh, I love how cute babies are with paci's in their mouth. And Paige is just a doll!